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The Assault On The Last Passover (Supper)

Writer's picture: August RosadoAugust Rosado

By Dr. August Rosado

                                                    Galatians 6:7

Paul the Apostle is addressing the Church at Galatia and they were not without their problems. The Church was in danger of returning to Judaistic legalism.

There seems to have been inner strife and outside fleshly influence infiltrating the Church. The problem was the Galatians contemplate accepting a false gospel, another Jesus.

This was troubling to the Apostle Paulas he was concerned with the Galatians turning or deserting or defecting from the true gospel to another gospel concocted in the minds of men.

The Greek word rendered, “another” is heteron which means, “another of a different kind”. It is not the Jesus of Scripture. The world today concocts its own view of Jesus.

You have the Jesus of Rome, the Jesus of the Watchtower, the Jesus of Mormonism, the Jesus of Islam. The world invents its own Jesus, but it is not the Jesus of the Bible. To Rome Jesus is co-mediator with His mother Mary. To Jehovah’s Witnesses Jesus is a created being who is Michael the Archangel. To the Mormons Jesus is the brother of Lucifer. To Islam Jesus is a prophet but not the Son of God.

In Galatians 3:1 Paul is telling the Church, how foolish of you to allow anyone to bewitch you? Bewitched means to cast an evil spell on someone. They failed to use spiritual discernment.

They allowed another gospel into Church which led to God and His Word being mocked by outside ungodly influence. They allowed every wind of doctrine to infiltrate the Church.

Today this same influence is in many Churches, and it is evident by the style of music and dress. We have allowed the ascendancy of the world into our Churches.

Why doesn’t the world take us seriously as followers of Jesus of the Messiah? We act no differently than them. They see the infighting and division among Christians, (James 4:1).

The world no longer takes us seriously anymore because of past false predictions on numerous occasions and the severe abuse of Bible prophecy among prophecy teachers.

Paul said in Romans 2:24 the Name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you. We see this same blasphemy intensifying globally today as the Rapture draws close. The world sees the chaos in the Churches and in return they blaspheme God because of our infighting and bad testimony.

Even in today’s Churches there is no longer a reverence for the house of God anymore. I have seen strife and bickering as a guest preacher in these Churches as well as undermining Pastoral authority. God help us!

The world observes all this and in return they blaspheme God and attack His  people. I understand these are unregenerate people who need salvation, but they also have eyes and ears.

I am not saying Christians are the root cause for the world acting the way that it does, but we are called to be salt and light. We are called to evangelize and be an example.

Recently at the 2024 summer Olympics games the opening ceremonies were blasphemous to say the least. They mocked the last Passover or commonly called the Lord’s Supper.

To add to this irreverent despicable ceremony they had drag queens at a table with a person in the center with a halo over their head portraying Jesus Himself.

Out Magazine tweeted, “Queens everywhere! We couldn’t be happier about this huge moment for drag performers breaking through mainstream and showing their talents to the entire world,”

One drag queen who participated in the blasphemy of the Lord’s Table ripped the criticisms of the opening ceremonies at the Olympics saying, “We ain’t going anywhere”.

The drag queen posted on his Instagram page,

“The image depicted was not of the Last Supper but the feast of Dionysius”. So now they are insulting your intelligence.

He also said, “The opening ceremony did ruffle some feathers… and I LOVE it," The ceremony’s segment appeared to resemble a depiction of the Last Supper, famously painted by Leonardo da Vinci.

By way of chasing a rabbit the Leonardo da Vinci painting of the Last Supper is not accurate. The Bible calls it a Passover. Biblically speaking the Last Passover.

Jesus and His disciples as Jews did not sit at a horizontal table on chairs. The table would have been a u-shaped table or Triclinium, and they would have reclined on pillows. Jesus would have been seated on the left side of the U-shaped table with John on His right and Judas on His left.

Paul is telling the Galatian Church you cannot mock God and expect to get away with it. Mocked means, outwitted, outfoxed. To disobey God and escape divine wrath would be toout wit God. You cannot outfox or outwit God. The Blasphemy of the Lord’s table at the 2024 Olympic games will not go unanswered. God will not wink at this.

If Gos was to ignore this, which He will not, that would mean making a mockery of God and His Word and getting away with it. Paul is saying that is impossible. You cannot outfox God, blaspheme His Name and Word and get away with it.

Romans 2:6 says God will render to every man according to his works. There is coming a day when God will pour His wrath in judgement upon such people.

Romans 2:16 says God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus the Messiah. Whether open or closed sin, God sees it and will punish it. No one will escape the coming wrath of God unless they repent and by faith call upon the Name of the Lord for salvation.

All this blasphemy is setting the scenario for the biggest blasphemer to come on the world stage during the 70th Week of Daniel’s prophecy, the tribulation period.

The Jewish prophet Daniel describes him as the “little horn” who has a blasphemous mouth in Daniel 7:8;11; 20; and 25. He is the Antichrist energized by Satan.

In Revelation 13:5-6 the Jewish Apostle John, five hundred years after Daniel prophesied of this individual speaking blasphemy. He is the beast from the sea, (Rev 13:1). A Gentile world ruler.

This blasphemy at the summer Olympics is only the tip of the iceberg. The blasphemy we see today is unprecedented and only getting worse by the minute.

Our country today is inundating us with this immoral lifestyle through billboard advertising, public school indoctrination of kids, commercials, politics, and liberal Church denominations.

We have the delusional mindset that we can mock God in this lifetime and expect to get away with it in eternity. That is faulty thinking and the worst self-deception ever.

All world indications show the Rapture of the Church must be so close at hand which means the final 70th Week of Daniel’s prophecy is on the horizon.

What should we as followers of Jesus do until then? Be astute students of Scripture, soulwinners, being a light to those in darkness, lead by example. Time is short. Jesus is coming soon!

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