Today many denominations have lost their biblical world view due to liberal thinking and placing social justice above the authority of the Bible.
When we depart from the authority of Scripture and its plain sense interpretation, we are in danger of embracing worldly views and doctrines of demons.
Departing from a biblical worldview means to embrace the opinions of men and the doctrine of men and casting Scripture aside as inconsequential.
Antisemitism has taken root in some of these denominations leading to anti-Israel attitudes and attacking the literal grammatical interpretation of the word of God.
Jesus Himself warned about this concerning placing the doctrine of men above God’s word and feign worship within the assembly in Mark 7:6-9, KJV
“He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
“Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”
“For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.
And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.”
Many biblical doctrines are under attack within mainline Church denominations today, from the Rapture to a literal Kingdom of God for 1000 years.
Replacement Theology has also taken root within these denominations claiming God is through with Israel and has voided all the covenantal promises He made with Israel.
They say the Church has replaced Israel as the “New Israel” or the “Israel of God”. They take Galatians 6:16 out of context claiming the Church is the new Israel.
All Paul the Apostle is saying in Galatians 6 in context is that we are crucified to the world and that there is neither circumcision nor uncircumcision, but a new creation in Messiah Jesus.
Galatians 6:16 says, As many walk, (Gentile believers), according to this rule, (according to this biblical principle in verse 16), peace be upon them, (Gentile Belivers) and the Israel of God, (Jewish believers).
Even though Jew and Gentile are one in Messiah this verse seems to distinguish between Gentile and Jewish believers in the Lord Jesus.
Many Church denominations today are playing a spiritual Jenga game. They are rejecting fundamental Christian doctrines in the name of social justice and before you know it, the whole theological tower comes crashing down.
G. They pulled down many denominational towers at the expense of God’s word. They have thrown out the theological baby with the bath water.
What’s left of their milquetoast doctrine is motivated more by trending worldly ideas and humanistic ideologies rather than, “thus saith the Lord.”
In reality, their rejection of Biblical doctrine and efforts to be on the “right side of history” oppose God’s Word on most fronts, including what He has to say about Israel. Several mainline denominations even work actively against Israel.
In July 2021, the United Church of Christ (UCC), long unmoored from the Bible, condemned Israel alone for the conflict in the Middle East. Its declaration asserted, “The continued oppression of the Palestinian people represents a sin in violation of the message of the Biblical prophets and the Gospel.”
In 2022, the Presbyterian Church (USA) also sided against Israel, declaring the nation an apartheid state and condemning Christian Zionism.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Alliance of Baptists, the Mennonite Central Committee, and the Episcopal Church, have issued similar anti-Israel statements or divested from companies that do business in Israel.
Unfortunately, these denominations not only ignore Scripture and history but also engage in a key manifestation of modern antisemitism: holding the Jewish state to a double standard.
Nowhere in their statements do these denominations condemn or even mention Palestinian terror tunnels or the brutal murder of Jewish people by Arab terrorists.
Before preaching to Israel about its alleged “sin” of existence, these denominations should examine how far they have drifted from the Word of God. Within its pages, they would find that God’s calling and gifts, including that of the land of Israel to His Chosen People, “are irrevocable” (Rom. 11:29).
The King James says, ‘without repentance” or irrevocable. God’s covenant promises to Israel are irrevocable, irreversible, and immutable.
Romans 9 speaks of Israel past. The eternal promises God made with the Jewish people. Romans 10 speaks of Israel present. The state of unbelief.
Romans 11 speaks of Israel future. All Israel shall be saved when the Messiah returns at His second coming and the Jewish people will cry out, “Baruch. Ha,ba, B’Shem, Adonai”, blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord, (Ps 118:26; Matt 23:39).
These doctrines of demons will come to a head during the 70th Week of Daniel’s prophecy when the world will be under the unholy tyranny of the Beast.
Revelation 9:20-21 tells us they will worship demons and pagan idols. They will murder indiscriminately, they will practice witchcraft, drug use, steal, sexual perversions.
In the last days prior to the Rapture Paul the Apostle says that in the latter days, some will depart from the faith giving heed to seducing sprits and doctrines of devils, (1 Tim 4:1).
We see that right now as we speak. These liberal denominations have embraced doctrines of demons and have become extremely Antisemitic. Bible doctrine means nothing to them.
Romans 11 is clear that God is not finished with Israel and His promises to the Jews are irrevocable. Doctrine does matter. Do not let anyone tell you different.
Jesus is coming, and the Rapture of the Church will happen very soon!